Funky and fun ideas for the home including decorating, gardening, and cooking...everything you need to live the WT way!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Toe Mopping (if Toni does it, it must be OK)
I am a Stay-At-Home-Mom (SAHM). My kids are both in school, so my job every day is to do the laundry, cook the meals, pack the lunches, garden, fix broken things around the house, help with homework, and keep the house clean. I love gardening and cooking, I enjoy helping the kids with their homework, although at about 4th grade my math skills started to fail me. I don't even mind laundry. The rest of the housekeeping I, let's face it, suck at. It's just relentless. I keep the house more or less clean and free of clutter, but my heart is not in it. If I could afford a maid I would have one. I am forever seeking short cuts to those tedious endless chores. So imagine my delight when I walked into Toni's kitchen door and caught her toe mopping. My friend Toni is also a SAHM, but she is actually good at it. Whenever Sugar Snap decides to run away she tells me she's moving in with Toni. She is a professional decorator and her home is tasteful, smells good, and is put together. Not to mention, always clean. ALWAYS. I would rather eat off Toni's floor than my Fiestaware. And there she was, mopping her kitchen floor using a damp rag and her pedicured toes! I have used this half-assed method of floor mopping for years in shame, and here was Toni, the Queen of Clean, using this same method unabashedly. Apparently, she does it all the time. She wipes down the kitchen counters with a rag, and then drops said rag on the kitchen floor and using her feet, mops it up. I realized hey, we are all just trying to get through the day with our sanity intact, and any little trick we use to help us out that isn't illegal is OK. I'd love to hear your housekeeping shortcuts!
Here's a link to Toni's decorating blog:
The Half Assed Decorator
I'm blushing! And my house is so not clean....I'm just good at making it APPEAR clean.