Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Canning Tomatoes...Success At Last!

Third time's the charm!  I did not can a puree, but small chunks of tomatoes in a tomato juice, which I boiled before pouring it into the jars.  All canning rules were followed and tomatoes came out looking great.  Especially pretty is the two basil leaves Sugar Snap placed in the bottom of each jar.  I used 25 tomatoes and got three quarts and two pints.  So, just to recap, for canning success follow these rules:
*Skin the tomatoes by dunking them for a minute in boiling water and then submerging in ice water.  Skins slide right off.
*Boil the lids (you must use new ones) and rims for 10 minutes.
*Boil the clean jars for 10 minutes
*After filling the jars with chunks of tomatoes and water or tomato juice, run a spoon or butter knife around the inside edge of the jar to remove any air bubbles.
*Submerge jars into boiling water - make sure they are fully submerged - for 45 minutes.
*Remove and let sit.  If the center of the lids pop then they did not properly seal.  I have never had this happen, but do check for it.
Happy Canning!
Sugar Snap and Sweet Potato skinning tomatoes.
They didn't love it.

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