For Christmas last year I asked hubby to get me a face lift. He bought me Fiestaware. Seeing as how our current budget doesn't allow for a trip to South America, I am left with less expensive options available to me. I do exfoliate daily and use a moisturizer with vitamins A, E and C. But it's no match for gravity (which is assaulting not just my face, but other parts of my anatomy as well - but that's a blog post for another day). My sister passed along this recipe for a home made inexpensive face mask that can be made from ingredients you already have in your pantry. It will leave your skin firmer and softer!
Using a spoon in a bowl, or a mortar/pestle grind up one aspirin and one vitamin C tablet. Add a little honey. If the honey is too thick add just a drop or two of warm water. Smooth this sticky concoction over your face, giving it a little scrub to allow the tiny bits of the tablets to exfoliate. Allow to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.
It Ain't a Facelift |
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