Thursday, July 18, 2013

Staycation...JAPAN w/ recipe

Every summer my family takes a 3 month staycation to a different country.  We learn some of the language, learn about the culture, watch films and read books from the country, and I make almost all of the meals from recipes from that country.  We are knee deep into Japan right now, and we have tried eating everything from raw tuna to grilled eel, to squid with edamame.  The Japanese are wacky-fun and if you don't believe me go Google images for "harajuku".  At the same time steeped in tradition and a rich culture of their own, the Japanese are fascinated by the West, particularly America, and have their own take on everything from soda pop, fashion, pop culture,technology and food. Take for example, pizza.  The Japanese put lots of things Americans would never consider on pizza - shrimp, corn, squid ink, seaweed, tuna, maple syrup, fried eggs.  They even have several booming pizza chains, one of which is called Strawberry Cone, which has nothing whatsoever to do with ice cream.  I just had to share this great recipe we tried for Japanese pizza -open your mind here, it's different, but different good.  I realize that it's not "White Trash",  but I have to admit a certain kinship with the Japanese with their wacky creativity and their love of kitsch.

 So, I present to you, Japanese Pizza:

Start with 1 pizza crust - buy one pre made, or make your own.  Partially bake it, since you will only be heating up the toppings.

Top with Aurora sauce:  1/2 c. ketchup, 1/2 c. mayonnaise, 2 Tbsp. mango chutney, 2 Tbsp. tomato paste.  Whisk together and spread over the crust.  This makes a spicy, fruity, creamy, tomatoey base for your pizza.

Add cooked shrimp, crumbled crispy bacon, green onions, diced tomatoes, 2 cloves chopped garlic, and 1 c. canned corn, drained.  Cook at 400 degrees until crispy and hot.  Remove from oven and drizzle with a squirt of mayonnaise, Japanese Kewpie brand if you can find it at an Asian market.
There is no cheese.
Adding the corn
Really, it's delicious.
Well played, Japan!


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